Week 3: Weight, Sleep, and Overall Health

This post is part 4 of a journey for better health. If you missed part 1-3, click here. Week three has turned out to be disappointing at least for me. I am still having occasional nausea usually in the middle of the night. I thought my sinus was complete cleared, but once in awhile i still experience burning in my throat and…

Week 2: Exercise, Mood, and Energy

This post is part 3 of a journey for better health. If you missed part 1 and 2, click here. Week two has turned out to be a challenging week. I still miss my morning cappuccino dearly. I am also disappointed that I still have the occasional nausea associated with acid reflux. According to the book, “It Starts With Food,” by Dallas…

Week 1: Detoxing, Food Cravings, and Food Choices

This post is part 2 of a journey for better health. To read Part 1: Do you have a bad relationship with food, click here. Week one has turned out to be a decent week since changing my bad relationship with food. From day one, I made the commitment to only eat foods that will make me more healthy.…

Do You Have a Bad Relationship With Food?

This post is really a journey for better health. For years I’ve been living with nausea that sometimes wakes me two to three times a night. Sometimes I have it all day long. I have had numerous doctor’s visits and tests but I always get the same treatment –  Prilosec for heartburn. It’s discouraging and frustrating.…

The Silliest Places People Have Fallen Asleep

Have you ever been so tired you thought you might just fall asleep right where you were? I’m sure we all have experienced that exhaustion at some point in our lives, but these individuals take snoozing to a whole different level. Let’s take a look at some of the silliest places people have slept! photo…